Etashe Okpola

Hi, I’m Etashe, a curious human who cares deeply about creativity, philosophy, well-being, and technology, and how these fields intersect.

I share room with others in Letters of Consolation, my (now) bi-weekly newsletter centered around the art of being.

I write Human Nature, essays through which I ponder life with social and philosophical topics. I also write Crafts & Machines, my thoughts on creativity and technology, and here: my personal reflections.

My newest project is the Visual AI Guide for Non-Technical People, which also comes with a curriculum. It’s the first capstone project in my journey toward understanding artificial intelligence.

Outside these, I provide multi-platform content services for brands and individuals, including long-form writing and information design. I’ve also helped companies in the health, research, media, and technology sectors tell their stories by creating editorial and content marketing strategies. Here’s more about my work.

Oh wait, here: some gifts for you.

Sign up for my letters below if you’re leaning your life toward calm and meaning. You’ll only hear from me on Sundays.